Luigis Mansion 2 HD has given us some great boss fights, and the Clocktower boss is a bit of a unique departure from fighting just one bad guy and pits you in an arena fight against the clock… literally. I would go on more but would you look at the time? Let’s get straight into the Clocktower Boss guide!
To start with, Professor E Gadd will task you with restoring the clock hands to open up the clocktower and let you take a look at the 4D camera snapshot. Use this time to look around and spot some clocks lying about and take note of the time which it 7.30. Now, go to the mansion and restore the clock to its former glory. To unlock the door, simply use the Poltergust 5000 on the circular handle to set the clock time to 7.30, and voila! you now have access to the clocktower.
Head through the door and look for the circular handle and vacuum it to start raising the platform you are on. It will go about halfway before you need to look up and find a second handle to spin so you can get all the way to the top. Head through the door and move past all the crates towards the ladder. Once you reach the top (much faster than expected) you are confronted by a possessor ghost, and now you can prepare for a 12-round fight for the piece of the Dark Moon!
Each round is a fight against certain ghosts that you must complete before the minute hand makes a full rotation of the clock. There are some important things to note for all rounds, you can blow the clock hand back by using the blower feature on the Poltergust 5000 to buy yourself some time. At the end of each round, the minute hand will glow and then spin fast to try to knock you off your feet. To avoid this, simply run to the edge of the clock for safety!
Here’s an overview of the 12 phases:
Phase 1: A single greenie. Vacuum him up and dodge the minute hand!
Phase 2: 3 greenies. Defeat them to move on.
Phase 3: 2 Red bullies. Time it to try to get them both at once!
Phase 4: The possessor makes an appearance! He will shield and charge 4 times, avoid his attacks, and when the shield breaks, flash and vacuum him up!
Phase 5: A fairly easy phase, and the clock face will be covered in sand. This phase just sees a bunch of bugs fly out. Face the 5 on the clock and spam that flashlight to drop them all.
Phase 6: This is where things start to heat up! You face 3 purple scarers. Watch for the disruption patterns in the sand, and flash them before they get the jump on you. Remember to push the minute hand back if you need more time!
Phase 7: Greenies with welding facemasks and shovels! Charge at them to make them spin, avoid their attacks, and then flash and vacuum!
Phase 8: 3 Mummies. Flash them to make them charge you, it’s easy to make them smash into the clock hands. Once they fall, unravel them and flash and vacuum!
Phase 9: Possessor round 2. Same as before, avoid the 4 charge attacks, flash, and vacuum.
Phase 10: Liquid puddle ghosts. Vacuum the puddles, flash, and suck them up!
Phase 11: Plenty of bombs in this phase. Flash and keep moving, use the hands of the clock to your advantage to avoid them charging and blowing you up! Keep in mind the hands of the clock become super heated in this phase and for the remaining phases of the fight so avoid getting dragged into them as they will damage you!
Phase 12: Plenty of ghosts in this one. You may need to push the minute hand back. My advice for this one is to try to flash multiple ghosts and just take your time dividing and conquering. It’s a tough phase but use your flashlight for stuns, and the blower to buy more time, and you’ll be fine!
Final Phase: The final Possessor round! The only thing different about this round is that the clock hands are heated, so avoid the hands, avoid the charge attacks, and went he shield breaks, flash and vacuum to get the piece of the Dark Moon!
There you have it. I hope this guide helped! If it did, would you mind liking and subscribing? It’s the best way smaller outlets like What’s It Like can be found, and I can’t thank you enough for doing so!