Are you ready to fight the final Possessor ghost… or ghosts? This last possessor is one tough cookie! I had an intro ready to go, but it’s Fight Knight time so let’s dive right in!
You’ve bested the overrun mansion full of ghosts so this should be a walk in the park right? Well not quite, we are in for a tricky fight. This fight consists of 3 phases, each more challenging than the last.
Phase 1:
Phase 1 starts of simple enough, you have 2 knights in a room and some peculiarly placed carpets in the center of the room. You need to sweep these knights off their feet…. literally! The catch is that you have to get them both at the same time, otherwise one will lift the other back up. To do this, lure them both onto the same carpet, you can wait for them to attack and pause for a second, or you can go all out and simply vacuum up the rug underneath them. Once you topple the knights, the Possessor ghost will form into one, shield up, and charge once. As soon as they hit the wall and break their shield, run over, flash, and vacuum your way to phase 2.
Phase 2:
This phase is a little bit trickier as you now have 3 knights to contend with. The same rules apply and you have to topple all 3 at the same time. Lure them all to the one rug, vacuum, and knock the wind out of them, revealing the possessor ghosts. They will reform, shield up, charge, and break their shields. You know what to do, flash them, vacuum them up, and get ready for phase 3.
Phase 3:
Phase 3 starts off with the ghosts running away so it looks like we are all goo… HOLY HECK WHAT IS THAT!?!?!
Ok, looks like we have to fight a knight the size of a skyscraper, we got this! The same strategy applies, we need to sweep him off his feet, only, we need to do both feet in quick succession. The knight likes stomping things, so move in front of one of the feet and let him try to stomp you. On his 3rd stomp, his foot will rest so make sure it’s on the carpet. Keep that trigger finger off the Poltergeist 5000, and head over to the other foot to plant it on a rug. Once his feet are firmly on the rugs, it’s time to vacuum them up quickly, knocking all 4 Possessors out of the armour. They will regroup, shield, charge, and smash themselves into a wall. Stun them and vacuum them up into the Poltergust, and take a breath! There’s only one more fight to go!
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