How to Unlock Pauline (and Ninji) in Mario Party Jamboree


Super Mario Party Jamboree is here and it really is the biggest Mario Party title to date… but you may noticed there are two characters missing from the roster despite RSVP’ing, so how do we get them to join the party? Let’s take a look!

Thankfully, unlocking both characters is a rather quick and easy affair!

After finishing the tour of the festivities, all you need to do is take the hot air balloon up and search for the characters with the binoculars. Let’s start with Ninji. Move your sights over to the Rythm Kitchen Island, and you will notice 2 islands behind it. Use the Zoom button to zoom in on Ninji and press the highlighted button prompt to get Ninji to join your party!

To find Pauline, move your sights to Minigame Bay, and if you look to the left, you will see a small island with a single palm tree on it. Zoom in to see Pauline waiting to join the team! It’s that easy!

If you want to change to them right away simply press back to return to the plaza, talk to Toad right next to the hot air balloon, and select “Characters” from the menu. That’s all there is to it!

I hope you’re enjoying Super Mario Party Jamboree as much as I am, and if you’re looking out for a review, What’s It Like’s Review will be going up this weekend. Party Hardy gamers!

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